The beds are ready for spring planting! (This is photo from November. Right now we're in a windchill advisory.) It took some hard work and planning, but I'm not afraid of a little hard work, especially when I have help from my hubbie!
The sunniest spot in our yard is the best spot for our vegetables. I took some time (a year) to observe where the yard is sunniest. I probably could have observed in a month, but time is an issue when we're both working. And then there's a pandemic, which affects everything.
My hubby made the cedar garden beds from a kit.
We set down cardboard, which helps kill the grass, and covered it with shredded wood mulch.
Here's a "during" photo from Mid-July. In a spot where I knew I'd be planting, I dug out the grass (not recommended! very hard work!) and planted tomatoes and peppers, which survived the rabbits.
And here's another "after" photo. This is an October 7 photo. That's frisee, Swiss chard, and three kinds of lettuce. All those poles are to keep the netting up, which prevented rabbits from eating everything.