Thursday, September 5, 2024

The view from my kitchen window

First of all, I have the privilege of having a kitchen, especially one with a window. On top of that, I have the privilege of a yard and garden. I have the physical strength and energy to dig and plant and the financial resources to buy seeds and plants. I know not everyone has that. I so appreciate this view in the morning. The white flowers on the far left are cosmos in the new wild flower garden. (I know, cosmos aren't wildflowers.) In the middle left are the limelight hydrangea. The deck railing is center with cosmos and painted lady runner beans just outside the window. The vegetable garden is on the right. There are many holes in the fence, but that's a story for another day (bunnies). In the foreground are my houseplants. The pink one is a wax begonia from a four pack I bought in the spring. Then there are three succulents, including one baby on the left. I'm delighted with how the work and planning have paid off after five years. And I'm feeling blessed every morning when I see this view.

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