Thursday, May 9, 2024

New native plant garden

Here's the before picture. It's a lovely view of the backyards of the neighborhood; this closeness is the downside of living in a town. 
I removed (by hand!) the sod in front of the native viburnum cranberry bush. Thankfully, the ground was moist making it a little easier for digging.
The plant list includes those that like sun, well-draining soil, and drier conditions. Well, dry-ish. I know I'll have to water if we get another drought. Most are drought-tolerant, but I don't know of anything that's drought-proof. The complete list is at the end of this post.
Below is my fox-proofing. If critters really wanted to get in there, they could, but they seem to hate netting, which I'm hoping will last long enough for these plants to establish themselves.
Echinacea purpurea - Purple Coneflower 
Salvia azurea- Blue Sage 
Amsonia illustris - Ozark Bluestar
Coreopsis palmata - Prairie Coreopsis
Eutrochium purpureum - Sweet Joe Pye Weed
Tradescantia ohiensis - Ohio Spiderwort

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