Sunday, August 11, 2024

August Update

Cut flowers! I enjoy bringing the outdoors inside. These are limelight hydrangea. 
They look so good outside that I'm hesitant to cut them. 
The begonia (above) loves its spot on the deck, as does the coleus (below). These are cuttings...I cut the tops off so all the plants would be even in the containers. 
My husband said the viburnum berries below look fake. They are brightly colored, uniformly sized, and abundant, almost too perfect.
The sweet Joe Pye weed (below) is getting ready to bloom in its first year in my new native plant garden.
The Purity cosmos (below) were supposed to be a little filler  until the native perennials adjusted. Instead, they are the stars, loved by both bees and humans.
Picotee cosmos may be a new favorite. 
Tomatoes are doing well. 
I'm going to try to save the seed of this beautiful zinnia. 
The watermelons are getting big. I hope we get at least one to eat. I never know what will happen because of weather and critters. 

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