Tuesday, March 27, 2012

First of the Blooms

Here's Siberian Squill, the first of the bulbs to bloom at my place.
Is this highly unusual? Yes.
As a Minnesotan, this early spring makes me nervous because I feel like we will pay for this early spring with something awful later...a blizzard? a drought? freezes in May? People have talked about how this could a sign of global warming. Perhaps it is, but we'll only know it after we've experienced it. We can forecast all we want, but it is only after the trends are collected and analyzed can we draw conclusions. To borrow a cliche, hindsight is 20/20.
Since I can't worry about these dire predictions yet, I will get outside and enjoy the good weather.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First Seeds Planted

Even before the first day of spring (today!), I have planted some seeds. With our unseasonably warm winter and above average temps currently, the garden bed I prepared in the fall seems ready. Will the temperatures stay warm? Will the seeds rot? Stay tuned...