Sunday, May 22, 2022

Spring in the backyard

Of course, my backyard can't compare to the Arboretum (my crabapple above), but...
 I still enjoy it, and so does this bunny. 

The serviceberries are blooming! They survived a drought (with watering) and a long winter. 

Spring Trip to the Arboretum

The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum was busy yesterday...for three good reasons. I went to see the tulips, which seemed to be the most popular place yesterday. But I was in awe of he crabapples trees, which were breathtaking. We stood at the top of a hill, completely surrounded by their blooms.  According to their website, they have 268 trees. 
The lilacs are looking good, too.
And, of course, the Arb planted 40,000 tulip bulbs. It's an amazing display. 
A short video of the crabapples shows a tiny portion of the display.

Monday, May 9, 2022

A Late Spring

Daffodils are a perfect symbol of spring. These petite beauties are delicately scented. I was worried that I lost this new batch bit it's a late spring. Last winter we had a cold snap with little snow, which killed that old batch of daffodils, so last fall I planted these in place protected from the northwest wind.

The variety is Tete-a-Tete. They grow to eight inches, and I'm hoping they naturalize. 

Below is a new lilac, Bloomerang. It should grow to five feet, so I can have it closer to the house where it will shade the air conditioner, and we'll have a view from our future deck.