Tuesday, June 28, 2016

This is why...

This is why...I don't pull the "weeds" in the lawn. To help pollinators (such as the butterfly above), we mow around the field daisies while they bloom.

This is why...I've been behind on the blog. I'm teaching a summer class...fun but time-consuming. And while that may not seem like a good excuse, we're covering a semester's worth of material in a short summer space. I still have family stuff to do (we have to eat, after all), so my garden is neglected.

Not everyone is neglecting my garden. The mice, voles, chipmunks, and squirrels ransack my garden constantly. I think I've finally gained the upper hand, or maybe that's just because a large hawk has moved into the neighborhood. 

I'll get back to regular blogging soon...after I re-plant the peas. And the beans. Gosh, the weeds have taken over. And I have to do something about those flowers...