Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Power of Petunias

It's been hot and humid, really humid, melting my previously wind-chilled inner thermostat.  And I won't complain. I promise. Instead I marvel at the staying power of petunias.  The containers need water every day, but they thrive in this weather.  I went for lots of color and planted Wave with double-flowered.  I consistently trimmed them soon after potting them so they'd grow bushy.  And they look great. Please don't notice the weeds...I'll get to them when the dew points drop.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Gomphrena is a Gem

Gnome Purple Gomphrena was one of the few choices left at the garden center when I got back from the UK in mid June. It didn't look at that exciting at the time.  Now that it's been in my garden a month, it's proven itself to be a great flower. The compact plants are bushy and full of flowers.  The color is a tasteful almost-neon, magenta-like purple. I've got it paired with alyssum as a border, and the two textures contrast nicely. 

Friday, July 10, 2015


Gardening has its up and downs as does life in general.  The above photo of lettage (lettuce plus cabbage) is growing beautifully, so that's not so bad. However, my favorite part of the cabbage is that crispy heart.  I just wasn't thinking when I ordered these seeds, excited to try something new.  They are an excellent choice for cabbage rolls or other recipes that need a big green leaf. In other disappointments, slugs have attacked one garden bed rather viciously. It happened so quickly.  It's starting to recover, but, alas, I wish I had paid closer attention.  My biggest down is that I finally got some progress growing Asclepias or the milkweed family. The county sprayed the roadside, and my cosmos and milkweed are wilting. I'm growing them in a rustic raised bed behind the mailbox, which I thought would be safe.  Pretty flowers blooming might be another clue not to spray.  I watered them down after I found out, so I'm hoping for a recovery.  Even though I melt like a snowman when the temperature and humidity rise, I am NOT going to complain about the weather.  The tomatoes love it.  The peppers love it. The view from my window-- an emerald forest of trees edged with brilliant day lilies-- is gorgeous, especially since it's not snowing.