Sunday, January 30, 2022

Houseplants in January

I'm so happy to see my hibiscus blooming in January. It likes the sunny spot, but it might be because it's in a container with a water reservoir at the bottom. 
These succulents keep me company while I do dishes.
The fern is dying, which I knew could happen when I bought it because it was sorely neglected in the store, but the aloe, succulent, and air plants seem to be doing well. 
Here are the plants that keep me company when I work at home. I'm loving the succulents' winter survival skills. 

Friday, January 21, 2022


Frigid. Bleak. Long nights. Colorless days. Yep, it's January in Minnesota. Normally I'd like to write about some summer flowers with bright colors and warm memories. But this caught my eye. We've endured days of below zero temperatures and high winds (high enough to blow open our closed screen door and bend the metal rod). The wind chill sucks warmth and moisture out of every living thing. Yet this dill remains upright, waving in the high winds. This fall I didn't pull up the plants, leaving the last blooms for bees and the seeds for birds. It should be shredded and broken, but it's not. It's an inspiration for me during a difficult time (pandemic, January, work stress, caregiving stress).  If it can remain standing, so can I. This frozen, desiccated dill is the model of persistence.