Monday, April 16, 2012

Snowflakes and a Tiller

Yes, snowflakes! Here we only had a few flying through the air, though to the north of us "no travel" is advised due to heavy snow and strong winds. Just this weekend, however, the temperatures were warm enough for me to play with my new tiller, pictured here. I thought that I would never need a tiller. And I suppose that's true. I don't "need" one. But is it fun! I got so much more work done than if I had shoveled by hand (and foot and back). The size is perfect for me since I can lift it, and, since it is electric, I do not have to learn to mix or change the oil. I might have disparaged "boys and their toys," but now I am hoping the weather will cooperate so I can play with my toy again soon.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Pasque Flower on Easter

This may be the only year where my pasque flower blooms on Easter here in Minnesota. Here's the photographic proof. The blossom is just opening. The first photo is a better picture of the squill from the previous post.