Friday, November 29, 2019

Sharing Library

This photo is from the first day I put up the library, at the beginning of the month. I meant to schedule the blog to post it automatically, but I goofed. Here's my first report: A few of these books are gone! And some of the ones I replaced are gone! I'm happy to share the books I've collected over the years. With moving, I've learned that I have a hard time throwing anything away. I prefer to recycle or donate, so this is a  perfect way to share books that have been a part of my and my family's life.  I'm hoping to get some Christmas books ready today. 

Compost Bins

Before our winter storm, which is predicted to cover us in several inches of snow, I thought I'd share this photo of my new compost bins. Since we're in a city, we can't pile up the leaves on the edge of the woods anymore, so we invested in these two bins. They're a little floppy right now since they're halfway full, but I've staked them. We have a city compost site, and that costs $35 a year, which is affordable. However, I have to transport the leaves, which is certainly doable, but I'm going to plead! I can empty the gathered leaves into the bins without driving. The finished compost will be close to my future garden.