Sunday, May 24, 2015

Rain and Lilacs

My favorite time of year might be when the lilacs are blooming and the mosquitoes aren't biting.  Do you see that white blob next to the blue pickup in the background?  That's my rain barrel, which is collecting fresh water as I type (perfect day to blog!). I tightly cover the openings because that lovely water could be a source for breeding mosquitoes. Well, the water's lovely now.  It gets murky if I don't use it and the days get warm.  No matter how funky it gets, the plants love it. 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Three Wild Violets

"Three wild violets" sounds like a good title for romantic fiction, but in reality it's the three Violas I have growing in my yard. The one above is the common violet, which many people will recognize in their lawns.

This is downy yellow violet.

And I suspect this is dog violet. I like this online source about Minnesota wild flowers: 

P. S. This is a busy time of year for gardeners (and mothers of students!). I'll still post, but less frequently until the end of June. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Happy May Day

In honor of May Day, I'm posting pictures of what's happening now. That's rhubarb above (with a stray dandelion--I didn't notice it until I posted the picture!). This time of year I celebrate every little thing because the plants and I have survived the long winter. I've planted some seeds, too. Let the growing begin!
These crocuses are the only survivors from the winter of the voles. (I took this photo last week.)

I was pleasantly surprised that all of the garlic survived.  I didn't get a chance to mulch it properly because of the early snow. 

The daffodils are almost ready to bloom.

The wild plum looks fantastic--completely covered in blossoms.

Wild violets live throughout the lawn.