Tuesday, June 29, 2021

We ALL love green beans

We ALL love green beans. "All" is defined as humans, rabbits, and robins. I'm embarrassed to show this photo because it demonstrates how the rabbits and robins have decimated my beans, whether it's the plants, the sprouts, or the seeds. You can see the netting surrounding the garden bed. The rabbit leaned on the netting to get in. A robin hopped around inside, finding bean seeds. I will attempt planting again, but only after I work on a fence. I hope to start this weekend. And we ALL love strawberries. Even though I planted 20 plants, below is all I was able to rescue. The baby squirrels both dug at them and smashed them while roughhousing. Fun to watch? Yes. But no strawberries for this human this year. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Lawns to Legumes Garden Update

I'm happy to report that many plants I bought with the Lawns to Legumes grant have survived and thrived. Here are some coreopsis and blanket flower. The butterfly weed is slow to grow. I added some marigolds. 

The prairie smoke is doing well. More on that in a future post. 

I added a water feature this summer--solar powered!

The wild lupine looked fantastic a couple weeks ago. It's going to seed in this hot weather. The rabbits are still a problem, but I'm planting chives and Siberian irises, which they don't like. I hope to find a rabbit-resistant fall bloomer that will work in this area, too. Lately we've had fewer bunnies around due to a predator. My neighbors say it's a fox, but I suspect it's a coyote. I saw it in the distance so I can't be sure. Yet the rabbits that are still here chow down on the asters. Sigh.