Friday, December 20, 2019

Happy Holidays!

Happy holidays! Whatever you celebrate, I wish you a time of good food and personal connections. And a seed catalog for summer dreaming. For those of you in the know, this is a Thanksgiving cactus (which bloomed with perfect timing on Thanksgiving). It looks like a Christmas cactus, so I'm pretending that it works for this post. We're still in the process of adjusting to our new place, so Christmas is a little "less" this year: fewer decorations, fewer cookies, less hubbub in general. But we still have the full spirit of good will to all! 

Friday, November 29, 2019

Sharing Library

This photo is from the first day I put up the library, at the beginning of the month. I meant to schedule the blog to post it automatically, but I goofed. Here's my first report: A few of these books are gone! And some of the ones I replaced are gone! I'm happy to share the books I've collected over the years. With moving, I've learned that I have a hard time throwing anything away. I prefer to recycle or donate, so this is a  perfect way to share books that have been a part of my and my family's life.  I'm hoping to get some Christmas books ready today. 

Compost Bins

Before our winter storm, which is predicted to cover us in several inches of snow, I thought I'd share this photo of my new compost bins. Since we're in a city, we can't pile up the leaves on the edge of the woods anymore, so we invested in these two bins. They're a little floppy right now since they're halfway full, but I've staked them. We have a city compost site, and that costs $35 a year, which is affordable. However, I have to transport the leaves, which is certainly doable, but I'm going to plead! I can empty the gathered leaves into the bins without driving. The finished compost will be close to my future garden. 

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Snow in October

Unusual? Yes. Cold? Yes. Bearable? Yes. This is yesterday's snow. I went for my usual walk outside. If we quit living because it snows, then we miss half a year. I'm grateful I 'm not in North Dakota, where my in-laws live, because they're dealing with a record-breaking blizzard. 

Monday, September 23, 2019

Zucchini Bread

This is Martha Stewart's zucchini spice bread. She made it with fresh zucchini from her garden, I'm sure. I, however, had to buy zucchini from the farmer's market. (Buy zucchini? I never thought I'd write those words. I feel lost without a garden.) Even though I have made this in the past, and it looked like Martha's, this time it did not. Not at all. It flopped. It tastes good, but it collapsed. Could it be the humidity? It was a high dew point day. Or maybe my baking powder is bad? It had been moved from place to place. Maybe it's the quirky oven I'm still learning. Ah well, mistakes happen. It's part of being human. 

Monday, August 12, 2019

Mixed Feelings

We have moved from our country place to a small city. This is the reason for the lack of posts during a normally busy gardening time of year. The move is a good thing for our family, but I'll be sad to leave the place where the juneberries grow and the turkeys thrive and the frogs sing each spring. And now I have a blank canvas of a city yard. The trees are nice, and I see a few perennials. I'll keep track of my plan and the changes I make. I have so many plans! I have too many plans! 
Hello, new home.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Wild Strawberries

Tiny wild strawberries (no bigger than a centimeter here) hold a big burst of flavor. I braved the biting flies and mosquitoes for these photos and a few berries. Completely worth it!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Not Lawn

Grass?  Who needs it? If a person lives in a city or town, then, yes, grass may be necessary due to covenants or ordinances or other rules. But my country lawn is full of stuff! Above is a photo of clover. Below are daisies. Even further below is a photo of our brilliant lilac. It has finished blooming for the season, but it's worth the space on this blog. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Lilac and Hawthorn

Yesterday's rain and wind have bent the old-fashioned lilacs, but they perfume the air. The wild hawthorn looks spectacular this year. The apples bore heavily last year and the winter and late frosts have stressed them, so I didn't seen any blossoms this year. Yet the bees are feasting on the hawthorn's flowers. Wild strawberries grow robustly (along with a few weeds, in the foreground of this photo).

Friday, May 31, 2019


Yesterday we took a day trip to near Comfrey, Minnesota, to view the petroglyphs. Currently the Minnesota Historical Society site is named Jeffers Petroglyphs, though there is some discussion about changing the name to better reflect the people who created it thousands of years ago. This image is of a Thunderbird. I learned about the history of the sacred site, and I'm impressed by the management of the prairie. 
On May 29, I took a walk in the woods. The yellow violets are blooming, and I found a patch of wild strawberries, unusual in the dense woods, in one small sunny spot. The mosquitoes are hatching as I swatted one (just one!) while taking photos. I'm thankful for their delayed arrival this year.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Spring has sprung!

After the awfulness (and awe-fullness) of the late snow, spring flowers are blooming, and the spring frogs are singing.  (I've been experimenting with using the cell phone for far I like my Canon G12 better, but the phone is easier.)

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Snow in May

Yes, snow in May! I had to drive slowly through the sloppy mess last night. The lines were covered with snow on our county road, though a little further south and west was a mix of rain and snow. The snow's still melting at 11 am here (photos from 7 am). The weather is never boring in Minnesota!

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

First Flowers

I'm a few days late for posting (technology! migraine! work!), but welcome to Siberian squill blooming in my yard.  I'm impressed that these flowers bloom a couple of weeks after everything was covered in an icy, snowy blanket. Also, I've planted some grass seed, which is slowing sprouting...and providing extra food for the birds. 

Thursday, April 11, 2019


The trees weave like drunken sports fans. The wind blows the snow sideways. Is it snow? It's also rain, sleet, hail, and tiny pellets of icy precipitation. The thunder rumbles. No travel is advised. Ah yes, April in Minnesota. I remember fondly the warm temps (81F one day!) and blooming trees and tulips from last weekend's visit to St. Louis. 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Frustrating yet beautiful

This brutal Minnesota winter has tried the very best of us with its record-breaking cold and snow. I fear it has affected both my physical and mental health because I haven't been able to get my soul-refreshing outdoor walks due to the cold and ice. Yet even as we're clearing out the nine inches of snow from last night, I'm reminded how lung-achingly magnificent it is. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Polar Vortex

We've got the furnace running, the faucet dripping (to prevent frozen pipes), and the humidfier blowing mist into the air. It's still not enough. The house's air temperature is 58F, even though the thermostat is set at 70F.
It's crazy cold. This thermometer is not accurate, but it gives you an idea of the cold. It should read around -31F.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


When buying seeds this year, may I recommend zinnias? They're easy to grow from seed and take little effort. They're hearty and colorful. This winter, let me remind you of how they grow...


This is not the end, only a beginning. That center is full of seeds for spring. And now is the time to buy seeds. Happy garden dreams to you!