Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Not Lawn

Grass?  Who needs it? If a person lives in a city or town, then, yes, grass may be necessary due to covenants or ordinances or other rules. But my country lawn is full of stuff! Above is a photo of clover. Below are daisies. Even further below is a photo of our brilliant lilac. It has finished blooming for the season, but it's worth the space on this blog. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Lilac and Hawthorn

Yesterday's rain and wind have bent the old-fashioned lilacs, but they perfume the air. The wild hawthorn looks spectacular this year. The apples bore heavily last year and the winter and late frosts have stressed them, so I didn't seen any blossoms this year. Yet the bees are feasting on the hawthorn's flowers. Wild strawberries grow robustly (along with a few weeds, in the foreground of this photo).