Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Delicious Puns

No, this is not a plum.  It's an Indigo Rose tomato. It could be a plum tomato. Not really.  Plum, or paste tomatoes, are oval and more meaty. This is smaller than a slicer but bigger than a cherry. The color is so amazing.  The almost black color is immediate and the bottom begins green and ripens to a pinkish red.  I guess you could say it's plum delicious. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Bonus Potatoes

You know how sometimes you forget about those last few potatoes in a bag?  Once they sprout and shrivel, they're inedible. This spring I was heading to the "hot" compost pile and was ready to dump a handful of sprouted potatoes into it, but I changed my mind.  I buried them in a mostly finished compost heap (no room in the garden). I have no idea what variety they are because the package said "yellow potatoes."  Also good to note, they're organic potatoes.  Conventional potatoes are sometimes treated with a chemical the prevents sprouting (which means they won't grow if you plant them). This is a delicious bonus!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Second Crop Planted

Last week I planted some lettuce seeds after harvesting the garlic. I could show you a picture of the dirt, but instead here are a Persian carpet zinnias.  With the nice bit of rain we had, the lettuce seeds have sprouted, so we should have a nice fall crop of lettuce (depending on the weather and critters and ...). Below is one single blossom from a delphinium.  The rain that was so good for the lettuce seeds was not so good for the delphiniums.  Thankfully I got a photo first. August can be an excellent month with clear days and cooler nights.  And beautiful flowers.