Saturday, January 7, 2023

All this snow!

We have an additional 13.8 inches of snow. What's it like to live with all this snow? The snow hangs past the roof line, showing the power of wind and cold. We have to un-bury our mailboxes because the plow pushes the snow up and sometimes over. On our road, we've lost about six feet (three on each side) of width because there's only so much room to push the show. The intersections have snow piles that make it difficult to see oncoming traffic, so we inch forward slowly because a car speeding down a main road may not see us until the last second and icy roads make it difficult to stop. 

It's too much snow for my body to clear at once. I'm trying not to hurt myself clearing snow, and I have sore muscles anyway. For safety, we keep the basement window well clear (below), but to get there (or get out), a person would walk through knee-deep snow. Today, however, the roads are better--icy in spots, compacted snow on side streets, but mostly clear. I can handle winter better when I can go places other than the (snow-buried) mail box. 

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