Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Prepping for a bee lawn

To prepare for a bee lawn, I followed the directions given to me by the folks who promote the Lawns to Legumes grant program. I mowed the lawn, picking up the clippings, as low as the mower would go. Then I raked up dead grass, roughing up any bare dirt visible. Next I sprinkled bags of compost around. In hind sight, I probably should have used more compost. I'm trying to honor the stay at home order, so normally I would run to the store, but this time I'll make do. The I sprinkled a layer of seed, which is a combination of fescue with some white clover, creeping thyme, and self-heal. I bought it pre-packaged. I added some additional white clover around the large rocks to create a short border of ground cover so that when I do have to mow, I can skip that area. I have watered deeply and will water again every other day, unless we get rain. Soon I will add some native plants, but it's too cold for that yet! Yes, this is a boring photo, but it's "before." Stay tuned...and Happy Earth Day!

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